Learning all about IOSF’s current and past projects.

The map shows all the countries in which we have helped since 1993.

*Correct as of August 1st 2023

IOSF Projects

Current Projects


Read all about our current, and recent, projects from around Europe.
Just use the drop downs to read more in each respective project.

©Stewart Dawber - skyehighwildlife.com

Read all about our current, and recent, projects from around the Americas.

Just use the drop downs to read more in each respective project.

©Jon Nelson

The Americas


Read all about our current, and recent, projects from around Africa.

Just use the drop downs to read more in each respective project.

©Glen and Rita Chapman

Read all about our current, and recent, projects from around Asia.

Just use the drop downs to read more in each respective project.

©Manik Das


Past Projects


Read all about some of our past projects from around Europe.

Just use the drop downs to read more in each respective area.

*Each region is determined as UN sub-region geoscheme and countries listed are only those that are believed to have wild otter populations.

©Jim Manthorpe

Read all about some of past projects from around the Americas.

Just use the drop downs to read more in each respective region.

©Charlie Hamilton James

The Americas


Read all about our past projects from around Africa.

Just use the drop downs to read more in each respective country.

*Each region is determined as UN sub-regions and countries listed are only those that are believed to have wild otter populations.

©Frank Steenhuisen

Read all about our current, and recent, projects from around Asia.

Just use the drop downs to read more in each respective country.

*Countries listed are only those that are believed to have wild otter populations.

©Ayim Mushahril
