IOSF World Otter Day takes place on the last Wednesday in May each year. The day was established by IOSF to help draw attention to otters, celebrate them, and raise awareness and support for their conservation globally. The aim is to put otters on the map, and at the forefront of people’s mind!

World Otter Day 2025 is just around the corner and we are all excited to see the world’s otter takeover once again!

In 2024, we had events in 48 countries around the world and we want to have even more in 2025! We know it is a few months away yet but its best to start planning soon. It can be anything you would enjoy doing, such as awareness, research or anything else you may find enjoyable, let us know what you might do for 2025!

We would also be happy to offer advice and materials.

Hit the button below to get in touch and we can add your event to the World Otter Day 2025 events map.

Social Media

Social media is such a great way for us to get the message of otters across to millions of people! Each year, we trend across the world with plenty of engagement between people and organisations. Perhaps you may struggle to run an event, but post on social media, share IOSF posts and help otters to take over the online world for the day!

Use #WorldOtterDay

Tag IOSF pages so we can see what all your amazing posts!

World Otter Day

Each year we offer three grants of £100 for small World Otter Day events and accept applications for these. 

We are now accepting applications for a World Otter Day Grant 2025.

For more information and to apply please, click here.

Read about the IOSF World Otter Day 2024 Grants:

IOSF World Otter Day 2024

What another fantastic World Otter Day - and a huge THANK YOU to all of those who got involved. 

We were inundated on social media with otters everywhere – the best day! With events in 48 different countries, the effort was massive. 

We have put a summary of many of the events which took place this year in our June newsletter.

Each year, IOSF holds a World Otter Day webinar involving otter experts and enthusiasts from across the world.

The webinar is split in to two sections, a morning and evening session, to allow people from all across the world to join. During the 2023 webinar sessions we had attendees registered from 45 countries!

If you are interested in the World Otter Day 2024 webinar, then please click this link for more information on speakers, and sign up!

World Otter Day Webinar

You can view all previous World Otter Day webinar videos here, together with all other IOSF videos. Don’t forget to ‘Subscribe’ to our channel

2024 Webinar Speakers

Previous Years

Ways to help otters

Learn more about what you can do to help otters, both at World Otter Day and other times of the year!

©Tony Goy Photography